Are you sincere?

Sincerity.  It’s a word that I read the other day and really started to think about. Since Monty became ill back in September, we have witnessed so many truly sincere good wishes from so many wonderful people. I have no doubt that every one of the people who has got in touch genuinely wishes Monty back to full health.

But in other aspects of our lives, are we really always sincere?  If you said yes to that then I’m sorry, I don’t believe you! Can you honestly tell me that when your child tells a terrible joke or your auntie tells you a story about her next-door neighbour’s cousin that you are SINCERELY enthusiastic in your response?! No, I didn’t think so!

Does it matter? Maybe not. After all, if we were completely honest with everyone all of the time we could end up making a name for ourselves as offensive! Imagine if an ex-colleague said (perhaps not even meaning it themselves) when you bumped into them in the street “Oh, we must meet up for a coffee” instead of saying insincerely “Yes, that would be great” you said “Oh, no thanks, I don’t fancy that”!

So, is there a middle ground? Or perhaps there is more to it than simply laughing enthusiastically at bad jokes?

I saw this online and think it takes the question a little deeper – and certainly gives me something to think about. I think I can probably improve on all four counts.

The Art of Honesty and Genuineness

  1. Sincere people are honest and genuine. ...
  2. Sincere people keep their word. ...
  3. Sincere people don't use fake flattery to get what they want. ...
  4. Sincere people express their gratefulness for what people do for them.

For me, interpreted simply, this means:

Do what you say you’ll do and do it with true feeling and gratitude.

I’m going to try.

Take care,
