Monty - an update

Those of you who know him may already know that Ross (Monty) Montague, co-director, essential cog and tenacious terrier within Scene & Herd is currently somewhat under the weather.

Back in September, Monty was diagnosed with a brain tumour. Following surgery, he has now commenced what will be at least six weeks of gruelling chemo and radiotherapy. We wish him all the best and shall be doing what we can to help Monty and his family to fight this fight. Monty is keeping in touch with us by sending us audio clips (in true podcast style!) on his thoughts and updates – just be grateful we aren’t broadcasting the one of him singing! ;-) – and is being well distracted by the arrival of five gorgeous collie puppies on the farm.

Meantime, of course, the rest of the Scene & Herd family are holding the fort here at HQ whilst Monty is out of action. The volume of work we will be able to undertake will inevitably reduce without Monty, but please do get in touch with me for a chat if you think Scene & Herd can help you with anything. We may manage, we may not be able to take it on, but either way, we shall be honest with you from the outset. We are certainly operating ‘business as usual’ when it comes to podcasting and branding/web design work, so don’t be shy on that front.

Here are just a few things I’d like to say in Monty’s absence:

Take care of yourselves,
