November 2023

We hope this finds you well and recovering from the worst of Storm Babet (and Ciaran).  The images from the North East of Scotland were dreadful.  Please remember that RSABI can provide practical, emotional and financial support to those working within the Scottish Agriculture industry and you can call them for free anytime on 0808 1234 555.  

We always love receiving your news so thank you to those of you who have been in contact.  Here's a quick round-up:

Views are being sought on how the Scotland Food & Drink Excellence Awards (which have been a mainstay within the sector's calendar for over two decades) can best serve the food and drink industry going forward and how they can further align with the Scotland Food & Drink Partnership Industry Strategy.  Please submit your views by 20 November:

Gladden Village is an online heritage-based community offering a sense of belonging, connection and a 24/7 weather-proof haven from life's woes. The Coffeehouse has a farming/rural life theme on the first Wednesday Nov-Apr (next up Wed 6th December).
Read more

Did you hear our podcast with with Pickups for Peace ( the charity which collects farm vehicles, packs them with supplies and drives them in convoy to Ukraine where they remain to help with the war effort?   Edward and Lorna Smith of Norvite are donating and driving a pick-up truck to Ukraine this month. They are raising money to fill the truck with essentials.  You can donate here:

Between 18 and 22 October, Young Farmers from across the UK were hosted by the Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs (SAYFC) in Edinburgh for the first-ever Five Nations Conference to provide members with the opportunity to develop as individuals while strengthening connections with other young farmer organisations.  

The charity Groundwork UK has launched its 2023-2028 strategy setting out how it will support practical action to create a fair and green future in which people, places and nature thrive over the next five years.  Read more

The Rural Affairs and Islands Committee is seeking your views on the Agricultural and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill that represents the Scottish Government’s ‘vision for agriculture’ to transform farming and food production in Scotland and to make it a global leader in sustainable and regenerative agriculture.  Closing date: 24 November 2023

After a short break for the October holidays, the OnFARM podcast is back with some fantastic new episodes including chats with:

We were pleased to receive positive feedback in response to our recent mailing about Social Proof.  If there is any aspect of marketing you would like to learn more about, please do get in touch and we might just make a blog or learning module about it.

December dates for your Social Media Marketing

1 - 24 - Advent - why not create a digital advent calendar showcasing your products and/or staff?

2 - Small Business Saturday - Now in its ninth year, Small Business Saturday UK is a grassroots, non-commercial campaign, which highlights small business success and encourages consumers to 'shop local' and support small businesses in their communities.  Get involved by using #SmallBusinessSaturday online and check out the website for more info:

4 - 8 - UK Charity Week is a chance to showcase the work of charities that your organisation supports or is aligned with.

5 - World Soil Day - This year's theme is  "Soil and water: a source of life;" which aims to raise awareness of the importance and relationship between soil and water in achieving sustainable and resilient agrifood systems.  See the campaign website for resources.

22 - Winter Solstice/Shortest Day

Get in touch if you need any assistance with your social media.