Please be kind



the quality of being generous, helpful, and caring about other people, or an act showing this quality:

I’m sure that most of us are kind, most of the time. However, it struck me yesterday that maybe we could all do better.

Someone was really quite unkind to me in an email and instead of ignoring or replying back in the nicest possible way, I was a little unkind in return. It made me feel good that I’d not let her beat me down – but I only felt good for a few seconds until I realised that all I’d done was reduce myself to her level. Then I felt terrible.

How often do I tell my children that we should never retaliate? And then I ended up doing it myself.  One bad turn doesn’t deserve another.

So, my resolution for today is not to be unkind to anyone, even if they don’t follow the same philosophy.

Professor Robin Banerjee, head of psychology and director of Kindness Research at Sussex University, says. “There is a growing evidence base within psychology and other disciplines that kindness is positively associated with wellbeing, not just for those who receive it, but also for those who give it.

Surely that’s enough of a reason?

But if not, remember that Caroline Flack was one of the pioneers of the #bekind movement and remember the horrifying consequence of the fact that people weren’t kind to her.

Perhaps we could all try one of these today?

50 random acts of kindness you can do today

  1. Call a friend that you haven’t spoken to for a while
  2. Send a letter to a grandparent
  3. Send flowers to a friend
  4. Offer to pick up some shopping for your elderly neighbour
  5. Send someone a handwritten note
  6. Offer to babysit for a friend
  7. Walk your friend’s dog
  8. Tell your family members how much you love and appreciate them
  9. Help your parents with household chores
  10. Help a friend get active
  11. Make someone laugh
  12. Offer to cook for a friend or family member
  13. Make a cup of tea for a friend or family member
  14. Help with a household chore at home or for a friend
  15. Host an informal get-together and invite your neighbours to get to know each other
  16. Tell someone you know that you are proud of them
  17. Tell someone you know why you are thankful for them
  18. Send a motivational text to a friend who is struggling
  19. Send someone you know a joke to cheer them up
  20. Send someone you know a picture of a cute animal
  21. Send an inspirational quote to a friend
  22. Send an interesting article to a friend
  23. Put a surprise note or drawing on someone’s desk
  24. Contact someone you haven’t seen in a while and arrange to meet face-to-face
  25. Engage in conversation with a shop assistant when paying at the till
  1. Spend time playing with your pet
  2. Sign up to do voluntary work in your local community
  3. Reach out to spend time with a friend, family member or neighbour who is experiencing loneliness
  4. Have a clear-out and take items to a charity shop
  5. Make and send a care package to someone who needs it
  6. Make a donation to a charity
  7. Offer to pick up a friend or family member from work
  8. Make a cup of tea for your colleagues
  9. Get to know the new staff member
  10. Lend your ear - listen to your colleague who is having a bad day
  11. Say good morning
  12. Bake a cake for your colleagues
  13. Give praise to your colleague for something they’ve done well
  14. If it’s raining – lend someone your umbrella
  15. Take someone out for lunch instead of eating at your desk
  16. Give up your seat to an elderly, disabled or pregnant person
  17. Let someone jump the queue at the supermarket
  18. Take a minute to help someone who is lost
  19. Have a conversation with someone who is experiencing homelessness
  20. Help a mother carrying her pushchair down the stairs or hold the door for her
  21. Let a fellow driver merge into your lane
  22. Pick up some rubbish lying around in the street
  23. Smile and say hello to people you may pass every day but have never spoken to before
  24. Return a lost item to its owner
  25. Pop into a coffee shop and ask to pay for a coffee for them to give to someone later that day for free

Have a great day!