Stack Your Way to Success: How Habit Stacking Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

How are your New Year's Resolutions going? Unsurprisingly, January is the absolute worst time to set new goals owing to a combination of post-festive exhaustion, short days and cold weather.

April, on the other hand, is the very epitome of re-birth with hedgehogs coming out of hibernation, blossom emerging and of course lambs and calves in the fields.  

In short, Springtime is the perfect time to revisit those plans, kickstart your business objectives and meet your lifestyle targets.

Just as old habits are hard to break, it can be really difficult to build a new habit. The life of a rural business owner is rarely predictable yet, amidst the chaos, success often hinges on consistency and focus. That's where habit stacking enters the game, offering a powerful tool to supercharge your business growth.

What is Habit Stacking?

Think of it like building a chain reaction of productive behaviours. You pair a new habit you want to develop with an existing one you already do regularly. The familiar routine triggers the new action, making it easier to stick with it over time.

How does it work?

  1. Choose an existing "trigger" habit: Pick a daily routine you rarely miss, like showering, waiting for the kettle to boil, switching on your laptop.
  2. Identify your desired goal: What new behaviour do you want to incorporate? (Keep it small and achievable, ideally under 5 minutes) Read 10 pages? Do 5 squats? Update your CRM with new leads?
  3. Stack them together: Pair your new habit with an existing one, using the "After/While I ___, I will ___" formula. For example, "While I brush my teeth, I will stand on one leg" (balancing on one leg can help to reduce stress, fortify your bones, improve balance amongst loads of other things!).
  4. Repeat: Begin with one habit stack and be consistent for at least a month before adding another.
  5. Celebrate your wins! Acknowledge your progress and reward yourself for sticking to your habit stack.

Why is Habit Stacking perfect for business people?

Ready to stack your way to success? Here are some examples:

Remember, consistency is key. Stack your habits, celebrate your progress, and watch yourself achieve your goals one small step at a time!

What are you waiting for? Start stacking and let me know how you get on.

p.s. If you found this useful, you might be interested in reading Atomic Habits by James Clear -