
Happy New Year!  We hope that you all had a super Festive Season.  Despite Covid hitting one of the Scene & Herd households we enjoyed some time off and time with family.

We now look forward to 2022 and setting some new and ambitious goals for the year ahead.  These include, in my case, healthy eating and being even kinder to the planet.

Sadly, all too often we read in the press and on social media that eating healthily and saving the planet must involve cutting out meat.  This is, as we know, not the case. Unfortunately, when it comes to things like Veganuary, it’s not always easy to articulate the farming side of the debate.  

You might not agree with every word, but we’ve listed here a few articles and opinions which resonate with us and which provide some useful information and statistics which support Scottish food and farming:

Wishing you all the best for 2022 from all at Scene & Herd