What was the last thing you did that was a little bit crazy?!

I’d love to hear.  Did it end up being a fantastic decision or did you live to regret it?

Whilst I’m sometimes prone to flights of fancy and tend to spend more money than I earn (!), my father (who you may have heard on a recent podcast all about mediation – well worth a listen at: https://pod.fo/e/181a25) is normally the measured and sensible one in the family and rarely does anything without due consideration.

So, imagine my surprise when he said to me recently “I’m thinking of buying a horse!

This, coming from someone who hasn’t sat on a horse for about 30 years and has never been an enormous fan of them!

This purchase however might ring true with some of you because it’s less about the horse and more about why he wants to buy it.

My dad is Welsh. He, like me, went to Edinburgh University (in fact as I type this I’m sitting in the Edinburgh Uni library in George Square for the first time in 23 years – but that’s another story!) which is how he met my Scottish mum.

A cousin of my dad is the third generation in the family to breed top show quality Welsh Cobs (Welsh Section D). Ifor, said cousin, is now retiring and has nobody keen to take over.  So this means a dispersal sale of all his prizewinning horses. Devastated that this line of Welsh Cobs (www.derwenstud.co.uk) may die out, and keen to keep it in the family, my father has bought (and muggins here has to provide a home for and look after!) a yearly filly foal! She should arrive any day now!

Those Highland Pony fans among you may disagree (!), but apparently, Welsh Cobs are ‘the most beautiful and versatile horse in the world’ and so I hope that one day, myself and my daughters will be able to ride this filly, and perhaps even breed from her to keep the Derwen line going. She’s certainly a beauty. I have no pic yet, but shown here is one of her sire, Derwen Dusk, who, I’m sure you will agree, is very handsome.

As snap decisions go, this one was a little mad (I don’t really have the time, space or money to add another horse to the herd!) but at the same time, sometimes when it comes to decisions that pull at your heartstrings, you just have to do something a little crazy.

So go on, tell me your most crazy decision and how it worked out for you….!

(And if you have any Welsh Cob knowledge you’re keen to share, I’d love to hear that too!)

Take care,
