
Stack Your Way to Success: How Habit Stacking Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

April is the very epitome of re-birth with hedgehogs coming out of hibernation, blossom emerging and of course lambs and calves in the fields. In short, Springtime is the perfect time to revisit those plans, kickstart your business objectives and meet your lifestyle targets. Just as old habits are hard to break, it can be really difficult to build a new habit. The life of a rural business owner is rarely predictable yet, amidst the chaos, success often hinges on consistency and focus. That's where habit stacking enters the game, offering a powerful tool to supercharge your business growth.


Making the most of the 2024 Rural Show Calendar

Agricultural Shows, Highland Games, Game & Country Fairs, Horse Shows and the like are the backbone of the Scottish rural calendar. We list as many of the larger gatherings, those we are aware of, in this email - please get in touch if we have missed any of your favourites; we can give them a special mention in future! These events are great social occasions and offer terrific opportunities to anyone wishing to market their product or service to a receptive audience.


Imposter Syndrome: When the "Wrong" People Lack Confidence

I'm sure you've heard the phrase "Confidence is key," but what about when that confidence feels misplaced? Enter the Dunning-Kruger effect, a cognitive bias where people with low ability overestimate their skills, and its polar opposite, Imposter Syndrome. While often discussed separately, these two phenomena paint a fascinating picture of how our self-perception can be wildly inaccurate.


Do not launch a podcast until….

….you have read this! When we heard that the fabulous Cammy Wilson of The Sheep Game had started his own podcast, it made total sense to us. Unless you have an existing following like Cammy, building and growing a podcast audience is TOUGH!


Has X Lost its Appeal?: How to Reclaim Your Happy Place on Twitter

I'm often asked if X, as it is now known, is still useful for business. The short answer is that it depends on your audience. The longer answer will have to wait for another post. In the meantime, if you miss the days when everyone didn't seem so angry all the time, you can just read on to find out how you might be able to rekindle your love of Twitter/X.


The things I’ve learned…

I’ve been thoroughly enjoying my days in the Edinburgh Uni main library and thought I might share some of the things I’ve learned (through a mixture of experience, Google and evesdropping!) since I mixed my work venue up a little bit. Each floor in the Edinburgh Uni main library is over an acre in size (something many of you can relate to I’m sure)


A Day of Reflection

The UK National Day of Reflection took place yesterday, 3 March. The day is an opportunity to remember our loved ones who've died, support people who've been bereaved and to look forward with hope for a brighter future.


Are you sincere?

Sincerity. It’s a word that I read the other day and really started to think about. Since Monty became ill back in September, we have witnessed so many truly sincere good wishes from so many wonderful people. I have no doubt that every one of the people who has got in touch genuinely wishes Monty back to full health. But in other aspects of our lives, are we really always sincere? If you said yes to that then I’m sorry, I don’t believe you!


A Few Things We Can Learn From Camelids: Lessons in Resilience, Resourcefulness and more

2024 has been designated as the Year of the Camelid by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This is a fitting tribute to these remarkable animals. We can all learn a thing or two about this group of creatures, which includes camels, llamas, alpacas, vicuñas and guanacos.


Taming Your Dragon: Effective Strategies for Dealing with Dominant Colleagues

The Chinese Spring Festival/Lunar New Year, celebrated on 10 February by over 1.5 billion people worldwide, marks the beginning of the Year of the Dragon. This auspicious event presents a significant opportunity for businesses to showcase their offerings to China's rapidly expanding middle class.